Feng Shui Health

It is no measure of Health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. Krishnamurti

  • Have you ever wondered why your energy becomes sapped when you go into a different place to live, work or play?
  • How come people don’t heal easily when they find themselves in hospital.
  • Do you find yourself feeling fatigued for no reason at all?
  • Have you noticed how your moods change depending on different places you live in and work in.
  • How is your quality of sleep or do you have restless nights or even suffer from insomnia?

Benefits to using Feng  Shui for Health

  • Psychologically people feel lighter when they have less “stuff” around them
  • Physically people can flow in and around their space easier and reduce accidents given that 80% of fatalities occur in the home
  • Be aware of what you have around you in your bedroom where you are supposed to be recharging your batteries.
  • Take control of your health & nutrition by using the cycle of the 5 elements
  • Are you looking to improve your health and well-being?